Displaying the content of a TABLE

Displaying the content of a TABLE in SQL

In this very simple example we will see how to display the content of a table. Since we are working in the notebook, we will load the sql extension in order to manipulate the database. The database mydatabase.db is a SQLite database already created before the example.

#load the extension
%load_ext sql 
#connect to the database
%sql sqlite:///mydatabase.db 
'Connected: @mydatabase.db'

In order to extract all the values from a table, we will use the following command : SELECT * FROM TABLE In our example, we want to display the data contained in the table named tutyfrutty

%sql SELECT * FROM tutyfrutty
 * sqlite:///mydatabase.db
index fruit color kcal
0 Banana yellow 89
1 Orange orange 47
2 Apple red 52
3 lemon yellow 15
4 lime green 30
5 plum purple 28
7 Cranberry red 308