About Guillaume Redoulès

I am a data scientist and a mechanical engineer working on numerical methods for stress computations in the field of rocket propulsion. Prior to that, I've got a MSc in Computational Fluid Dynamics and aerodynamics from Imperial College London.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Thermomecanical method and tools engineer, Ariane Group, 2015 - Present
    • In charge of tools and methods related to thermomecanical computations. Focal point for machine learning.


  • MSc Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure Interaction, Imperial College London, London. 2013
    • Dissertation: "Estimator design for fluid flows"
    • Fields: Aeronautics, aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, numerical methods
  • Arts et Métiers Paristech, France, 2011
    • Generalist engineering degree
    • Fields: Mechanics, electrical engineering, casting, machining, project management, finance, IT, etc.