Write a value to a config file

You can store variables in an ini file for later executions of the script instead of hardcoding the values in the script. ConfigParser can take a pointer to a file an write values to that file using the ini syntaxe

config = ConfigParser()
config.set("my_section", "my_param", "my_value")
with open("file.ini", "w") as f:

Here is a function designed to help you update ini files

def saveParam(pathToFile, section, param, value):
    Save/add value to an ini file 
    pathToFile : string, path to the ini file 
    section : string, name of the section to write to
    param : string, name of the parameter to write the value to 
    value : value to be written to the parameter

    If the file doesn't exist, it will be created
    If the section doesn't exist, it will be created

    config = ConfigParser()

    if not os.path.isfile(pathToFile):
    #create the file if it does not exist
        with open(pathToFile, "w") as f:
    if not config.has_section(section):
    #create the section if it does not exist
    config.set(section, param, value)
    with open(pathToFile, "w") as f:
    #write value to the file