Style a dataframe

DataFrame output in the notebook can be personalised with some CSS syntaxe applied to the style attribute.

Basic styling

Basic styling, color nan values in red, max values in blue for each Line and the min value in gold for each column.

# Import modules
import pandas as pd
# Example dataframe

raw_data  = {'fruit': ['Banana', 'Orange', 'Apple', 'lemon', "lime", "plum"], 
        'color': ['yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', "green", "purple"], 
        'kcal': [89, 47, 52, 15, 30, 28],
        'size_cm' : [20, 10, 9, 7, None, 4]

df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['fruit', 'color', 'kcal', "size_cm"])
.highlight_max(color='steelblue', axis=0)
fruit color kcal size_cm
0 Banana yellow 89 20
1 Orange orange 47 10
2 Apple red 52 9
3 lemon yellow 15 7
4 lime green 30 nan
5 plum purple 28 4


Color the value of the dataframe with a color gradient based on the value of the cell

raw_data  = {'fruit': ['Banana', 'Orange', 'Apple', 'lemon', "lime", "plum"], 
        'color': ['yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', "green", "purple"], 
        'kcal': [89, 47, 52, 15, 30, 28],
        'size_cm' : [20, 10, 9, 7, 6, 4]
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['fruit', 'color', 'kcal', "size_cm"])
fruit color kcal size_cm
0 Banana yellow 89 20
1 Orange orange 47 10
2 Apple red 52 9
3 lemon yellow 15 7
4 lime green 30 6
5 plum purple 28 4

Custom style

Create a custom style using CSS

def custom_style(val):
    if val < 5:
        return 'background-color:red'
    elif val > 50: 
        return 'background-color:green'
    elif abs(val) <20:
        return 'background-color:yellow'
        return ''

df[["kcal", 'size_cm']].style.applymap(custom_style)
kcal size_cm
0 89 20
1 47 10
2 52 9
3 15 7
4 30 6
5 28 4


Draw bars in the cell based on the value in the cell

fruit color kcal size_cm
0 Banana yellow 89 20
1 Orange orange 47 10
2 Apple red 52 9
3 lemon yellow 15 7
4 lime green 30 6
5 plum purple 28 4
import numpy as np
df["random"] = np.random.rand(6)-0.5
.bar(subset=['kcal', 'size_cm'],color='steelblue')
.bar(subset=['random'],color=['indianred','limegreen'], align='mid')
fruit color kcal size_cm random
0 Banana yellow 89 20 0.432301
1 Orange orange 47 10 0.104051
2 Apple red 52 9 0.107809
3 lemon yellow 15 7 -0.281298
4 lime green 30 6 -0.122744
5 plum purple 28 4 0.452038