Poisson Distribution

Poisson Experiment

Poisson experiment is a statistical experiment that has the following properties: * The outcome of each trial is either success or failure. * The average number of successes (\(\lambda\)) that occurs in a specified region is known. * The probability that a success will occur is proportional to the size of the region. * The probability that a success will occur in an extremely small region is virtually zero.

Poisson Distribution

A Poisson random variable is the number of successes that result from a Poisson experiment. The probability distribution of a Poisson random variable is called a Poisson distribution:


where : * \(\lambda\) is the average number of successes that occur in a specified region. * \(k\) is the actual number of successes that occur in a specified region. * \(P(k,\lambda)\) is the Poisson probability, which is the probability of getting exactly \(k\) successes when the average number of successes is \(\lambda\).


The average number of goals in the soccer world cup is 2.5. The probability that 4 goals are scored is then:


Expectation for the Poisson distribution

Consider some Poisson random variable, \(X\). Let \(E[X]\) be the expectation of \(X\). Find the value of \(E[X^2]\).

Let \(Var(X)\) be the variance of \(X\). Recall that if a random variable has a Poisson distribution, then: * \(E[X]=\lambda\) * \(Var[X]=\lambda\)

Now, we'll use the following property of expectation and variance for any random variable, \(X\):


So, for any random variable having a Poisson distribution, the above result can be rewritten as:

$$E[X^2]=\lambda + \lambda^2$$