Check for free disk space

How do you check for free disk space on linux?

The df command will come handy for this task. Run the command with the following arguments

df -ah

Will return in a human readable format for all drives a readout of all your filesystems

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0        2.4G  1.3G  1.1G  54% /
none            348M  4.0K  348M   1% /dev
none               0     0     0    - /dev/pts
none               0     0     0    - /proc
none               0     0     0    - /sys
/tmp            350M  1.3M  349M   1% /tmp
/run            350M  3.2M  347M   1% /run
/dev/shm        350M   12K  350M   1% /dev/shm
/proc/bus/usb      0     0     0    - /proc/bus/usb
securityfs         0     0     0    - /sys/kernel/security
/dev/md3        1.8T  372G  1.5T  21% /volume2
/dev/vg1000/lv  1.8T  1.5T  340G  82% /volume1
/dev/sdq1       7.4G  3.8G  3.5G  52% /volumeUSB3/usbshare3-1
/dev/sdr        294G  146G  134G  53% /volumeUSB2/usbshare
none               0     0     0    - /proc/fs/nfsd
none               0     0     0    - /config

The free disk space can be read in the Avail column