Computing the Mayer multiple

I've learnt about the Mayer mutliple from The Inverstor Podcast. The Mayer multiple is the ratio of the bitcoin price divided by the 200-day moving average. It is designed to understand the price of bitcoin without taking in account the short term volatility. It helps investors filter out their emotions during a bull run.

Let's see how to compute the Mayer mutliple in python.

First, we need to import the data, we will use Quandl to download data from coinbase

import quandl
btc_price_data = quandl.get("BCHARTS/COINBASEEUR")
Open High Low Close Volume (BTC) Volume (Currency) Weighted Price
2018-12-12 2966.00 3076.71 2952.05 3026.00 1447.627465 4.372890e+06 3020.728514
2018-12-13 3025.19 3028.06 2861.15 2886.91 2125.242928 6.261750e+06 2946.369017
2018-12-14 2886.91 2919.00 2800.32 2835.50 2527.558347 7.256959e+06 2871.134083
2018-12-15 2835.49 2865.00 2781.47 2830.45 1267.004758 3.568614e+06 2816.575409
2018-12-16 2830.45 2830.45 2830.44 2830.45 0.144249 4.082886e+02 2830.447385

Next we need to compute the 200 days moving average of the price of bitcoin

moving_averages = btc_price_data[["Open" ,"High" ,"Low","Close"]].rolling(window=200).mean()
Open High Low Close
2018-12-12 5507.88295 5611.72570 5380.60150 5491.43610
2018-12-13 5491.44155 5595.14440 5363.77840 5474.38560
2018-12-14 5474.39910 5577.89585 5347.27500 5457.99125
2018-12-15 5457.94930 5559.49145 5330.78235 5439.75570
2018-12-16 5439.71660 5540.89425 5313.62955 5422.17700

Finally, we can compute the ratio and plot it.

%matplotlib inline 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 163
plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = False
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 12
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 26

mayer_multiple = btc_price_data/moving_averages
plt.title("Mayer Mutliple over time")
plt.ylabel("Mayer Mutliple")
print(f"Mayer multiple {mayer_multiple.iloc[-1]['High']}")
print(f"Mayer multiple average {mayer_multiple.mean()['High']}")
Mayer multiple 0.5108290958630005
Mayer multiple average 1.3789102045356179


Lastly, I wanted to plot the distribution of the Mayer multiple

import numpy as np
x = mayer_multiple["High"].values
x = x[~np.isnan(x)]
n, a, patches = plt.hist(x, 100, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75, density=True)
plt.axvline(x=2.4, color="red")
plt.annotate('We are here today', 
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),
plt.title("Distribution of the Mayer mutliple")
